Complete css grid system based on flex.
Easy to customize, eaasy to use. Works on IE10+ and on every other browser. You can use default RWD break points or change it to your favourite. You can customize gaps between columns, aligning cells, flex direction, justifying content etc.
SVG to base64 converter
Written in pure javascript.
Easy to usee. Works on IE10+ and on every other browser.
Login validation
Written in pure javascript.
Works on IE9+ and on every other browser. It contains two fields - login and password where login === email address. This validation has a lot of conditions to check:
- proper email address based on RFC 2822 format
- check if login/password is empty
- check password length
- check if password contains numbers
- check if password contains lowercase letters
- check if password contains uppercase letters
- show info/error above the form after submit
- all covered by tests